Public Access Roads

Artimore and Patawarta Lookout
Moolooloo Station is traversed by three public access roads (PARs) that are only accessible in parts by 4WD. The PARs grant the public passage over the track but camping is not permitted without permission from the owners. The homestead and neighbouring shearer’s quarters are accessible by most vehicles and even caravans but 4WD is required to go further into the property.
PAR 4 passes all the way through Moolooloo Station from the Glass Gorge Road, past the homestead and shearer’s quarters, through the stunning Gap Creek, then via Hannigan’s Gap, past the Artimore Ruins, through Angorichina Station and comes out on the bitumen road East of Blinman. This is a great day activity to do while you are staying with us and will provide a good look around the station and an opportunity for a visit to Blinman township. After you grab a pie and a cold beer you can make your way back to Moolooloo on the Glass Gorge road to complete the loop.
Along the way keep and eye out for wildlife. There is a colony of yellow Footed Rock Wallabies at Hannigan’s Gap which are easy to identify due to their long striped tails. This is also the site of the original settlement of Moolooloo and the ruins of the original homestead can still bee seen, although they are little more than a pile of rocks now. You will know when you get to Hannigan’s Gap by the rusty old rabbit trappers car on the side of the track. This is where the PAR continues behind the old car and makes its way towards the Moolooloo boundary. On the way to the Artimore ruins the track branches off to the left on to PAR 5 if you want to check out Patawarta Look out. This 4WD detour is tricky in places and experience is recommended. The views from the top are stunning.

Nuccaleena Copper Mine
The Historic Nuccaleena Copper Mine is located on Moolooloo Station about 15 kms from the homestead. The road to the mine branches off of the main track in to Moolooloo about 4 kms from the homestead. Just follow the signs. The road to the mine is one of the PARs that traverse Moolooloo and can be found on maps as PAR 3. The track is not maintained and the condition of the track varies and may be affected by wash outs after rain events.
The country traversed is diverse and scenic, with good views over surrounding ranges. Vegetation is mainly low shrub land of hop bushes and soap bush, with patches of native pine, traversed by red gum creek lines. On the way you will admire sweeping views of the Mount Samuel Range on your left.
Please leave any gates as you find them.
En route to the mine site, the track provides access to the historic Tam O’Shanter (Bushmans) Hotel. Please do not disturb the fragile stonework on these buildings.
The Nuccaleena mine site has many open cut mine areas and deep shafts. Exercise extreme care when walking around the site. Do not go past the safety barrier.